A housing disrepair claim for structural issues is a legal action taken by tenants against landlords when the property’s structure is unsafe or uninhabitable.
If landlords fail to fulfil their responsibility, our Housing Disrepair Team can help you make a compensation claim.
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Structural issues in a home can have a significant impact on your health. Here’s how:
Here are some common causes of structural problems that can lead to housing disrepair compensation claims:
If you’re facing structural issues in your rented property that your landlord isn’t addressing, you may have rights to a housing disrepair claim. Here’s a general guide on how to proceed:
According to the legal obligations, you usually have six years after the problem was first reported to your landlord to bring a claim for compensation against your landlord. You can generally make a housing disrepair claim for structural issues if:
Landlords must maintain a safe and habitable property, including its structure. This includes:
Failure to fulfil these responsibilities can result in:
Tenants have responsibilities:
To check your eligibility for disrepair compensation, fill out the Claim Form.
Structural damage harms a building’s integrity, safety, and stability. It affects key parts like the foundation, walls, roof, and support structures, potentially compromising its ability to support heavy loads.
The amount of compensation for housing disrepair due to structural issues varies greatly depending on several factors:
To know more about the compensation amount, contact our Housing Disrepair Team at +442030264595
Resolving a housing disrepair claim for structural issues can take months, even years. Factors include:
The specific types of structural issues you can claim for in a housing disrepair case will vary depending on your local laws and the specific terms of your tenancy agreement. However, some common examples include:
Common types of compensation for structural issues are:
It’s crucial to consult with Housing Disrepair Team professionals to determine the specific amount of compensation you may be eligible for in your particular situation.